The optic disc is also known as the blind spot. It is a small region in the eye where the nerve endings of the retina enter the optic nerve. It also does not contain any rods or cones to convert images into nerve impulses. It's some sort of a vein's attach point to the eye from the inside or something like that... (I'm not sure about that) but I know that your brain automatically copy the adjacent images to the blind spot, so that if an object is placed exactly in your blind spot you see its adjacent images in its place not its own image. The blind spot is where your optic nerve leaves your eyes. There are no rods or cones on the optic nerve so then brain cannot process the image because it is not being sent. 

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Blind spot is the point in the eyeball where retina meets the nerve cells.
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the spot where the retina meets the optic nerve is known as blind spot. since there is no light sensitive cells there and image cannot be formed on this spot.
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it is a point where optic nerves enters the eyeball. It has no sensitive cells.it is
totally insensitive to light.so if an img is form in this part of retina,then no signal is send to brain. consequently the object is not seen.
IT is called Blind Spot...

Hope this helps u:))
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A dot
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The point on the eye at which the optic nerve leaves the eye. The image formed at this point is not sent to the brain
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