What is cell please answer


Cells are the basic structural and functional unit of life. They are also known as building blocks of life. It was discovered by Robert Hooke.
Bellow is diagrammatic representation of an animal cell:
It has following organelles:
  1. Plasma membrane: A semipermeable membrane, that separates interior of cell from external environment. It is mainly formed of phospholipids bilayer.
  2. Endoplasmic reticulum- It is of 2 types smooth and rough. Function of RER is protein synthesis (with help of ribosome) and packaging. Where as SER synthesises lipids and phospholipids.
  3. Golgi Bodies: Also known as golgi apparatus. It packages proteins and sends them to target location.
  4. Lysosome: Also called suicidal bag of cell. If they burst the cell gets killed because of sudden release of hydrolytic enzymes. Its main function is breakdown of macromolecules into simpler form.
  5. Ribosome: It is the site of Translation (process of synthesising a polypeptide by using a mRNA as template).
  6. Mitochondria: Also known as power house of cell. It generates ATP or energy currency in the cell.
  7. Nucleus: Stores genetic material of the cell. and contained nucleolus (a densely stained proteinaceous body inside the nucleus).
  8. Centriole: They are made up of microtubules and help in cell division.

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