what is chlor-alkali process ? why it is named so? write down the reaction involved in this process ?

when electricity is passed through an aqueous solution sodium chloride (called brine) it decomposes to form sodium hydrooxide (NaOH). this process is called chlor-alkali process because of the products formed-
chlor for chlorine and alkali for sodium hydroxide

the reaction involved is:
2NaCl(aq) + 2H2O(l) ----> 2NaOH +Cl2 (g) + H2 (g)

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The term chlor-alkali refers to the two chemicals (chlorine and an alkali) which are simultaneously produced as a result of the electrolysis of a saltwater. The most common chlor-alkali chemicals are chlorine and sodium hydroxide (caustic soda) but can include potassium hydroxide and muriatic acid. There are 3 types of electrolytic processes used in the production of chlorine and caustic soda: the diaphragm cell process, the mercury cell process, and the membrane cell process. In the mercury cell process, chlorine and sodium hydroxide are produced simultaneously by electrolyzing seawater (sodium saltwater or brine) in a mercury cell. Note that when a potassium brine is used, potassium hydroxide is produced instead of the more usual sodium hydroxide

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