What is cilia and flagella? Write one similarity and dissimilarity between two

Dear Student

Cilia is a small thread like structure extending out from the surface of a cell. It help in the movement.

A flagella is basically a tail like structure that is found in certain cells and helps in locomotion and can also function as a sensory organelle.

Cilia and flagella are the hair like appendages which help in locomotion.

1. Cilia are found in eukaryotic organisms whereas flagella can be found in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.


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Cilia are small hair-like structures present on the outer surface of a eukaryotic cell. ... Similarity: Both, cilia and flagella are used for locomotion and thus propel a cell through the liquid. Dissimilarity: Although cilia and flagella are structurally similar, they vary in their length and functions
i hope that the answer i gave you was helpful(:
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