what is collective noun?

Collective noun is a name given to a group or community which consist of objects that are similar in aspects.

For example: a crowd (which consist of human), a fleet of ships, a pile of books, etc.

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A collective noun is a noun we tell for a group.For example-A cattle of sheep,A herd of cows etc.

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a collective noun is a group of living biengs examples herd,constellation,flock etc...

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 When nouns point to a group or collection of living beings or things, they are called Collective Nouns. eg: flock, army, herd , etc

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a group of people animals things etc.

i.e, herd of elephant,flight of stairs, troop of soldiers etc.

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when nouns point to a group or collection of living things , they are called collective nouns.

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Collective noun for kitten?

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Words that express a group or a collection of the same kind of persons, animals or things are known as collective nouns. For ex - a crowd of people, a tuft of grass, a library of books, etc. here crowd, tuft and library are collective nouns.

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