What is contribution of mendel in genetics?

Mendel known as father of genetics explained mechanism of transfer of character from one generation to other.  He gave law of segregation which states two factors of a character do not get mixed and separate at time of gametogenesis, distribute to different gametes and then pair again in different offspring as per principle of probability. He also gave law of independent assortment which states that two factors of each character separate independent of factor of other characters at time of gamete formation and get randomly re arranged in offspring. 

He selected 7 varieties of pea plant and worked on them. He found that they were pure and gave offspring resembling parent.  He performed various types of cross breed and then allowed offspring to self breed.

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Gregor Mendel developed the theory of inheritance and heredity. Mendel expirimented with the garden pea plant. First he pollinated short pea plants with tall pea plants. The next generation of pea plants resulting from the expiriment were all tall pea plants. He bred two of the pea plants from thhe new generation and they ended up having 3 tall pea plants and 1 short pea plant. There seemed to be two different traits. One trait seemed to appear in every generation, this was called the dominant trait. One trait seemed to disappear; this was known as the recessive trait. Mendel discovered this, though his discoveries weren't discovered until 1900. 

Mendel was important as he showed that the inheritance of certain characteristics followed certain laws. In his experiments with pea plants he showed that: 

1 in 4 had two dominant Alleles ('flavours' of a gene) 
2 in 4 had a dominant and a recessive allele 
1 in 4 had two recessive alleles 

In short he proposed a mechanism for how inheritance worked

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Mendel, known as father of genetics gave the theory of inheritance and heredity for the first time.

 Mendel expirimented with the garden pea plant. First he pollinated short pea plants with tall pea plants. The next generation of pea plants resulting from the expiriment were all tall pea plants. He bred two of the pea plants from thhe new generation and they ended up having 3 tall pea plants and 1 short pea plant. There seemed to be two different traits. One trait seemed to appear in every generation, this was called the dominant trait. One trait seemed to disappear; this was known as the recessive trait. Mendel discovered this, though his discoveries weren't discovered until 1900.

Mendel  showed that the inheritance of certain characteristics was due to genes which he called as factors. 

Hope u got some help...........

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