Coronary artery disease refers to the disease of heart where a waxy substance called as plaque is deposited inside the coronary arteries. The function of arteries is to supply blood to heart and muscles, when this plaque builds up inside the artery this will leads to the narrowing of artery and hence, reduces the supply of oxygen rich blood to the heart, the condition also called as Arteriosclerosis. If the deposited plaque ruptures this will results in the formation of blood clot and ultimately blocked the supply of blood flow inside the coronary artery it can leads to a condition as Angina and even heart attack. The common risk factors include hypertension, smoking, obesity, diabetes etc.

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Hi :)

CAD also known as atherosclerosis is a disease in which the coronary system vessels become narrow due to deposit of Ca++, fats, lipids, cholestrol and fibrous tissue on its walls.
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CAD referred atheroscelosis, affects the vessels that supply blood to the heart muscles.
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