What is criteria

Dear student,
CRITERIA: Criteria is a principle by which something is decided. In this chapter, you'll come accross the congruence criteria of triangles. 
The different types of congruence criterion are:
1. SSS Congruence: If 3 corresponding sides in 2 triangles are equal, then 2 traingles are congruent.
2. SAS Congruence: If the 2 corresponding sides and i corresponding angle in 2 triangles are equal, then 2 triangles are congruent.
3. ASA Congruence: If the 2 corresponding angles and 1 corresponding side is equal, then 2 traingles are congruent.
4. AAS Congruence: If 2 adjacent angles are equal corresponding to 2 triangles, then 2 triangles are congruent. 
4. RHS Congruence: If 1 corresponding angle is 90° and hypotenuse in 2 traingles along with 1 side is equal, then 2 triangles are congruent.


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