What is cytoplasm?

Dear Student,

Cytoplasm is the gel-like substance found in the cell. All the cellular organelles are embedded in the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm along with the cellular organelles is called protoplasm i.e., protoplasm = Cytoplasm + organelles or Protoplasm - Organelles = cytoplasm.


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Cytoplasm is a thick solution that fills each cell and is enclosed by the cell membrane. It is mainly composed of water, salts, and proteins. ... All of the organelles in eukaryotic cells, such as the nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria, are located in the cytoplasm.
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The cytoplasm (also known as cytosol) is the protoplasm of a cell outside the cell nucleus. It is the jelly-like material plus the organelles outside the nucleus, and inside the cell membrane. Many important functions of a cell take place in organelles, which are like bits of machinery for doing many jobs.
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