What is definition of verb and its all kinds.

Dear Student, 

Verbs are words that describe an action, an occurence or a state of being in a sentence.
Eg: 1.  He cried. ( 'cried' is the verb. It describes an action.)
       2. He became happy. ('became is the verb. It describes an occurrence.)
       3. He is angry. ('is' is the verb. It describes a state of being.)

  Mainly, there are two types of verbs:-
(i) Action verbs:- Action verbs tell what the subject does.
Eg: He plays. ('plays' is an action verb).

(ii) Linking verbs - They connect the subject with other words in the sentence. They give  further information about the subject

Eg:- He is a doctor ( Here, 'is' is a linking verb).

For further information about the topic, you can refer to our website by clicking on the link given below. 
Verb Chapter


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