what is diference between lysomes and vacuoles

Dear student,
Correct word is lysosomes.
Difference between lysosomes and vacuoles is given below.


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vacuole is a cell organelle which contains mainly water while lysosomes are cell organelle.
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Lysosomes are membrane vesicular structure formed by the process of packaging in the golgi apparatus
Vacuoles is the membrane bound space found in the cytoplasm. It contains 90% of water ,sap etc.
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Akshita , Lysosomes are cell organelles and called suicidal bag of the cell. It helps digest external material inside a cell(heterophgy). It controlls digestion of damaged orgenells (Auto phagy). Lastly Autolysis that is self destruction of a cell with help of lysosome to release digestive enzymes.It mainly occurs in damaged and old cells .So called suicidal bag. Now vacuole is nothing but a membranous bound space in cytoplasm of cell that contains water ,excretory materials, and useless materials of cell.
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