what is difference b/w reflexive and emphasising? 

We use a reflexive pronoun when we want to refer back to the subject of the sentence or clause. Reflexive pronouns end in “-self" (singular) or “-selves” (plural).
There are eight reflexive pronouns. These are myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselvesand themselves.

For example:

- He was ashamed of himself after his misconduct at school;

- Please help yourselves;

- Infants are unable to look after themselves; etc.

Emphatic pronouns are used to just emphasise the action of the subject. 

For instance,

1. He himself ordered the birthday cake;

2. I consulted the property dealer myself; etc.


Kindly note that an emphatic pronoun can be removed from the sentence and the core meaning would not be affected. A reflexive pronoun, on the other hand, is vital. The sentence wouldn’t make complete sense or wouldn’t seem logical if you remove the reflexive pronoun.


Hope this helps!

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An intensive pronoun merely adds emphasizes the actor in the sentence. ex: I, myself, can't stand when people use bad grammar. ex: I handed that paper in myself.

A reflexive pronoun is used when the object in a clause is the same as the subject. ex: Where do you see yourself in 5 years. ex: Having no one to play catch with, I threw the ball to myself.

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 Reflexive pronouns 'reflect' back on the subject like a mirror. The reflexive pronouns are: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves. 

Example sentences: 

  • I gave myself plenty of time to get to work.
  • You should let yourself into the house.
  • Jim bought himself a shirt.
  • Jill read to herself.
  • The dog scratched itself.
  • We treated ourselves to pizza.
  • You can make yourselves at home.
  • The children are able to dress themselves.

Intensive pronouns are the same words used to smphasize the subject of the sentence. Intensive pronouns usually appear right near the subject of the sentence.

  • myself am sick of the heat.
  • You yourself are a good friend.
  • The president himself appeared at the rally.
  • The actress herself wrote those lines.
  • The cat itself caught the mouse.
  • We ourselves made the meal.
  • You yourselves can win this game.
  • The troops themselves helped the people escape the burning building.
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thanks .........

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