What is difference between hormone and enzyme ?

A few more differences between enzymes and hormones are as follows :-


  • All enzymes are proteins, except few (composed of RNA, e.g, hammerhead RNA)
  • They are macromolecules with higher molecular weight
  • They are non-diffusible through cell membrane
  • They either act intracellularly or carried by some ducts to another site
  • Always act as biological catalysts and increases the rate of metabolic physiological processes.
  • They catalyze reversible or irreversible reactions.
  • Reaction rate increases with increase in their concentration up to a limit.
  • They act quickly

Hormones :-

  • They may be proteins, amines or steroids
  • They have only low molecular weight
  • They are diffusible through cell membrane
  • Generally carried by blood to a target organ
  • They may be either excitatory or inhibitory in their action
  • Hormone controlled reactions are not reversible
  • Deficiency or overproduction of hormone causes metabolic disorders or diseases
  • Some hormones are quick acting, while some are slow acting with a lag period.
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