what is difference between mechanical teacher and human teacher

Dear Student
A human teacher communicates with the students. Students at any levels(low,medium,high )can learn from any subject teacher.The teacher can repeat,modify their teaching skills according to the comfort of their students, that is, it can be made easier or difficult.
Also the teacher can adapt to students,their way of learning and can clear their doubts based in their level of understanding.

A mechanical teacher can be video lecture,online study apps,online teaching. Everything is recorded. The students can replay,pause,ask their queries,and watch at any time according to their comfort as it is prerecorded. Only students with some background in the subject or skill can learn from this type of teaching.Here the communication is two way with infinite patience from the other part.Also the student can interact and clarify their doubts any time according to their convenience.


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A mechanical teacher is a robot,large and ugly with a screen which displays lesson and a slot to enter homework and exam papers.A human teacher is a man who told students about things and asked students questions.
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