what is force

Dear Student,

A force is a push, pull or a twist which has a tendency to change the shape, state of rest or of uniform motion of the body on which it has been applied.

It's SI unit is kg m /s² or Newton.

There are 2 types of force: Contact and non-contact forces.

Contact force: This force arises when objects are physically in contact with each other. It has 2 types of forces:

  • Muscular force: This force arises due to the muscles in organisms. Example: Bull pulling bullock-carts.
  • Friction force: This is a force which opposes the relative motion between objects. Example: Applying bicycle breaks to stop the bicycle.

Non-contact force: This force arises when objects are not physically in contact with each other. It has 3 types of forces:

  • Gravitational force:  It is a force which causes things to attract towards itself. It is a property of entire universe. Example: In moon there is less gravity than Earth, so it's difficult to walk there.
  • Electrostatic force:  It is a force where positive charged particle attracts negative charged particles towards itself, or vice versa. Example: Rub a balloon with a woollen cloth, and keep it above few paper pieces, it will stick to the balloon.
  • Magnetic force: It is the force applied the magnets where the opposite poles attract and like poles repel.

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