what is hybridisation

 We can understand the concept of hybridization along with the effect of lone pair on the structure by taking the example of ammonia molecule.
In ammonia molecule, nitrogen has the electronic configuration as 1s2,2s2,2p3 .the p subshell is half filled. Initially s and p orbitals have different energies. But as you know hybridization is the mixing of different types of orbitals to produce the orbitals of similar energy. One s and three p orbitals combine to form four hybrid orbitals hence the hybridization of the molecule is sp3.
 sp3 hybridization suggests the structure to be tetrahedral. There are only three hydrogen to overlap with three hybridized orbitals. The fourth orbital accommodate the lone pair of electrons in it. We have learnt that repulsion of lone pair-bond pair is greater than the bond pair-bond pair. The normal tetrahedral angle is 109.28 but due to presence of lone pair, the bond pair-lone pair repulsion leads to a decrease in the bond angle and bond angle becomes 107.5.
Thus we see that if we have 2 hybrid orbitals, the structure is linear, if 3 orbitals then trigonal planar shape, if 4 orbitals then, tetrahedral shape, etc.

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 In chemistry, hybridisation  is the concept of mixing atomic orbitals to form new hybrid orbitals suitable for the qualitative description of atomic bonding properties. Hybridised orbitals are very useful in the explanation of the shape of molecular orbitals for molecules. It is an integral part of valence bond theory. Although sometimes taught together with the valence shell electron-pair repulsion (VSEPR) theory, valence bond and hybridization are in fact not related to the VSEPR mode....

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 Hybridisation in crops or plants:

Hybridisation is the technique of introducing characters of two desirable plants into a single offspring (hybrid) by means of artificial pollination. This involves crossing of genetically dissimilar plants.

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hybridisation is the concept of mixing atomic orbitals to form new hybrid orbitals suitable for the qualitative description of atomic bonding properties.

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 Intermixing of molecules having different shapes and energies...to form same shape and energies.....!! ☺

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