What is indian deposit recipts (IDR)

As per the definition given in the Companies (Issue of Indian Depository Receipts) Rules, 2004, IDR is an instrument in the form of a Depository Receipt created by the Indian depository in India against the underlying equity shares of the issuing company. In an IDR, foreign companies would issue shares, to an Indian Depository (say National Security Depository Limited NSDL), which would in turn issue depository receipts to investors in India. The actual shares underlying the IDRs would be held by an Overseas Custodian, which shall authorise the Indian Depository to issue the IDRs.

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  1. AnIndian Depository Receiptis a financial instrument denominated inIndianRupees in the form of adepository receiptcreated by a DomesticDepositoryagainst the underlying equity of issuing company to enable foreign companies to raise funds from theIndiansecurities Markets.

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