What is living and non living rections? Xplain in very detail....

Dear student.

The correct term is reaction.

All living organisms are made up of chemicals. These chemicals can change into different biomolecules through various chemical reactions. The sum total of all chemical reactions occurring in the body of living organisms is known as metabolism. So, all the living organisms whether unicellular or multicellular exhibit metabolism. However, metabolic reactions can also be carried out outside the body in a cell free system. So, the metabolic reactions are living reactions since they are the characteristic feature of living organisms but isolated metabolic reactions carrying out in vitro represent the non-living reactions.


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Living reactions are those reactions which take place inside the body of living organisms e.g all metabolic reactions in a human body are living reactions.

Non living reactions are those reactions which takes place out side a living body in the surrounding of a living a organisms e.g reactions between the gases in the atmosphere are non living reactions.
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living reactions involve bio chemicals while non living reactions do not use bio chemicals
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