What is Marginalization


Marginalisation is the social process by which a person or a group of people are made marginal or become relegated to the fringe or edge of society. It occurs when people is pushed to the edge of a society, usually as an effect of discrimination making the person standout and look different from everybody else. They consequently feel alone and left out from the rest of society.

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Marginalisation ? sometimes also called social exclusion ? refers to the relegation to the fringes of society due to a lack of access to rights, resources, and opportunities. In the context of INWORK, marginalised and vulnerable groups include people with experiences of: ... Homelessness.
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When a particular social group is formed to live on finges rather than in the mainstream is called marginalization
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Dear student,
here is the answer
to treat a person, group, etc. in a way that makes them feel that they are not important and have no power
Akul kumar
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