what is meant by magnitude of displacement?

When we give displacement we say both magnitude and direction. eg. 5 km towards north is the displacement. In this value, 5km is the magnitude and north is the direction. 
I hope this helps you!

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Magnitude of displacement is distance, with a unit of meters. It still has a unit of meters but it does not have a direction. If the magnitude is 1, this does NOT mean that in one second the distance traveled is 1. You are thinking about speed of 1m/s.
No, the magnitude of displacement cannot be grater than distance traveled, only equal at maximum. It can be less than though. Displacement can be negative, distance traveled cannot. The reason displacement could is because it depends on direction as well. If you take north to be positive displacement, then moving south would be negative.

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magnitude is the numerical value of any quantity which define its size. If 20km is given it means the distance 20km is covered by the body. If 20km towards east is given it means the displacement of the body is 20km with direction towards east.

So, the magnitude of distance and displacement implies the size of the distance or displacement travelled by the body.

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Magnitude of a vector quantity is the value of the quantity without enquiring about its direction.
Therefore, if displacement given is -10m then magnitude of it is its modulus value i.e.
Hope this helps,
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It basically means the numerical value of displacement that could be in metres , kilometres and etc. 

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IN general, it means the shortest distance between the initial and final position of an object after moving

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Displacement is a vector having both magnitude |S| and direction (e.g., north, south, east, or west). So your question is interested only in |S| and not the direction of the displacement.Use the SUVAT equation, V^2 = U^2 + (1/2) aS; so that S = 2[V^2 - U^2]/a where a = .85 m/sec^2, V = 94 kph, and U = 83 kph. Change the kph to mps (m/sec) and solve for S in meters. As everything in the SUVAT equation is a scalar, your answer S is also a scalar, which is also called a magnitude.

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