what is meant by RESPIRATORY SYSTEM?

The respiratory system is the set of organs that allows a person to breathe and exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body. An example of respiratory system is the human's nasal passages, larynx, trachea, bronchial tubes and lungs.
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Respiration is not just breathing in and breathing out, but its also the process i which our food is BURNED into energy. I can give a more detailed ans if you want.....but i dont know your grade....I am in 7th grade
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The respiratory system is the set of organs that allows a person to breathe and exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body. EG NASAL PASSAGES AND LUNGS.
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The respiratory system is the set of organs that allows a person to breathe and exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body. An example of respiratory system is the human's nasal passages, larynx, trachea, bronchial tubes and lungs. 
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Respiration means our food burns to produce energy
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the organs which take parts in our inhalation and exalation process are commonly known as resperectory system
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Respiratory system is a part of an fish or an frog inside animals
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The?respiratory system?is the set oforgans?that allows a person to breathe and exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body. An example of?respiratory system?is the human's nasal passages, larynx, trachea, bronchial tubes and lungs.?
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The?respiratory system?is the set oforgans?that allows a person to breathe and exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide throughout the body.
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