What is meant by Swadeshi and Boycott Movement? How did it help in arousing the feeling of nationalism among the Indian people?

The Swadeshi movement was a part of the Indian Independence Movement. It was an economic strategy that sought to remove British rule by following the principles of self-sufficiency (swadeshi). This strategy was based on the idea that th foundation of British rule in India was the economic dependency of India on Britain. Indian industries had been destroyed by British rule as a result of which, India was almost entirely reliant on imports from Britain for manufactured goods like textile. It was argued that by becoming self-sufficient, India could weaken the economic foundation of British rule. The Swadeshi movement started with the partition of Bengal in 1905 and continued up to 1911.

Boycott was one of the tactics used in the Swadeshi movement. It involved the boycott of British products like cotton textile manufactured in Britain. Instead, leaders of the movement advocated the use of Indian products.

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The Swadeshi Movement: The Swadeshi movement had its genesis in the antipartition movement which was started to oppose the British decision to partition Bengal. The formal proclamation of the Swadeshi movement was made on August 7, 1905 at a meeting held at the Calcutta Town hall. At the August 7 meeting, the famous Boycott resolution was passed. Boycott was first suggested by Krishan Kumar Mitra in Sanjivani in 1905.

e boycott of British products was followed by the advocacy ofSwadeshiand to buy Indian products only.The leaders of Bengal felt that mere demonstrations, public meetings and resolutions were not in of an something more concrete was needed and the answer was swadeshi and boycott.An important aspect of the swadeshi movement was the emphasis placed on self-reliance or atmasaki. Self-reliance meant assertion of national dignity, honour and self-confidence.

Difference between Moderates and Extremists over Swadeshi and Boycott: The Extremists wanted to extend Swadeshi and Boycott movement from Bengal to the rest of the country. They also wanted to extend the boycott to every form of association with the Government. The Moderates, on the other hand, wanted to confine the boycott movement to Bengal and there who limit it to the boycott of foreign goods.
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