what is MHz

 Abbreviation for megahertz. One MHz represents one million cycles per second. The speed of microprocessors, called the clock speed is measured in megahertz. For example, a microprocessor that runs at 200 MHz executes 200 million cycles per second. Each computer instructions requires a fixed number of cycles, so the clock speed determines how many instructions per second the microprocessor can execute. To a large degree, this controls how powerful the microprocessor is. Another chief factor in determining a microprocessor's power is its data width (that is, how many bits it can manipulate at one time).

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MHz, or megahertz, are units of frequency. Sound, light, and radio frequencies are measured in MHz

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 mega hertz

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g.samyuktha has given absolutely correct answer. So, you can refer to it.
@ g.samyuktha good answer. You get a thumb up. Keep Posting!!

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