what is noun?

noun is a name of a person,place,thing.

A noun is a word that represents or names a person, animal, place, thing, idea or a quality. 

For detailed information on nouns, you can study the chapter named "Nouns" in the English Grammar section of your class, i.e. Grade 3.

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A noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea.

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A Noun is a word used as the name of a person, place, or thing ; as,

NOTE The word thing is used to mean anything that we can think of.

e.g., Akbar was a great King

types of noun-

  1. Common Noun
  2. Proper Noun
  3. Collective Noun
  4. Abstract Noun

Another Classification of Nouns-

  1. Countable Nouns are the names of objects, people,etc. that we can count, e.g., book, pen, apple, boy, sister, doctor, horse.
  2. Uncountable Nouns are the names of things which we cannot count, e.g., milk, oil, sugar, gold, honesty. They mainly denoted substances and abstract things.
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Noun in simple is a name. It maybe the name of person, place or thing. 

There are 4 types of noun commonly taught, they are :

Common Noun, used to call some group like, man,lion etc

Proper noun, used to call something specific like, Abhishek, Taj Mahal etc

Collective noun is used to call a specific thing in a group like, a murder of crows and a pride of lions.

Abstact noun are used to call something which we cannot see/touch but feel, like anger, ability etc


Hope it helps !!!

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noun is the naming word. every naming words is called noun.

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A noun is a part of speech typically denoting a person, thing, place or an abstract idea.Eg a lion is the king of the jungle. There are four kinds of nouns which are commonly used:

Proper Nouns: Proper Noun is the name of a particular person or place. Proper nouns always begin with a capital letter.Examples : Sita, Rajesh

Common Nouns: Common Noun is a name given in common to every person or thing of the group. Common nouns begin with a capital letter only if it is the first word of the sentence.Examples : Girl, Boy, City

Collective Nouns Collective Nouns are those nouns that denote a group of people, animals, objects, concepts or ideas as a single entity.Examples : Army of Soldiers, Class of Students
Abstract Nouns: Abstract Noun is the name of a quality, action or state. You cannot see, hear, smell or taste an abstract noun.Examples : Kindness, Loyalty, Childhood

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Anoun is a word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things. 

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 noun is a part of speech typically denoting a person, place, thing, animal, or idea.  Examples-1 The cat sat on the mat.   2 Please hand in your assignments by the end of the week. 3 Plato was an influential philosopher in ancient Greece.

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name, place, group of words like band, school, pair, etc.

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A noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea. Nouns are usually the first words which small children learn. The highlighted words in the following sentences are all nouns:

Late last year our neighbours bought a goat.
Portia White was an opera singer.
The bus inspector looked at all the passengers' passes.
According to Plutarch, the library at Alexandria was destroyed in 48 B.C.
Philosophy is of little comfort to the starving.

A noun can function in a sentence as a subject, a direct object, anindirect object, a subject complement, an object complement, anappositive, an adjective or an adverb.

types of noun-

  1. Common Noun
  2. Proper Noun
  3. Collective Noun
  4. Abstract Noun

Another Classification of Nouns-

  1. Countable Nouns are the names of objects, people,etc. that we can count, e.g., book, pen, apple, boy, sister, doctor, horse.
  2. Uncountable Nouns are the names of things which we cannot count, e.g., milk, oil, sugar, gold, honesty. They mainly denoted substances and abstract things.

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Nouns are words denoting things and people, e.g. 'house ', 'tree ' , 'child ' , 'water ' , 'teacher ' , etc.

Nouns can be classified into the following kinds:

1. PROPER NOUNS : Words denoting names of a particular place or person are called proper nouns.

Example : Mary and Rahul went from Chennai to Mumbai.

2. COMMON NOUNS : Words denoting persons or things of the same kind or class are called common nouns.

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