What is osazone reaction

Dear Student,

Osazones are a class of carbohydrate derivatives found in organic-chemistry formed when sugars are reacted with phenylhydrazine. The reaction involves formation of a pair of phenylhydrazone. The reaction can be used to identify mono-saccharides. It involves two reactions:

  • Firstly glucose with phenylhydrazine gives us glucose-phenylhydrazone by elimination of a water molecule from the functional group.
  • The next step involves reaction of one mole of glucose-phenylhydrazone with two moles of phenylhydrazine(in excess). First phenylhydrazine is involved in oxidizing the alpha carbon to a carbonyl group, and the second phenylhydrazine involves in removal of one water molecule with the formyl group of that oxidized carbon and forming the similar carbon nitrogen bond. The alpha carbon is attacked here because its more reactive than the others.

Hope this information clears your doubts about the topic.

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