what is ozone hole


Ozone hole is an excessive thinning of ozone layer, when more than half of the ozone gas in a particular area is depleted. Harmful ultraviolet rays can pass through it to reach the earth's surface. It happens by the reaction of harmful gases like CFCs.

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ozone whole is a place where ozone is very less. It is located above antarctica

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A severe depletion of ozone in a region of the ozone layer, particularly over Antarctica and over the Arctic. The depletion is caused by the destruction of ozone by CFCs and by other compounds, such as carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and carbon tetrafluoride (CF4). The amount of ozone in ozone holes is about 55 to 60 percent of the normal concentration in the ozone layer. Although the full effect of increased ozone depletion is not yet known, the amount of ultraviolet radiation the Earth receives is greatly increased by ozone depletion, creating a heightened risk of skin cancers and likely contributing to global warming. See Note at ozone.

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The ozone "hole" is really a reduction in concentrations of ozone high above the earth in the stratosphere. The ozone hole is defined geographically as the area wherein the total ozone amount is less than 220 Dobson Units. The ozone hole has steadily grown in size (up to 27 million sq. km.) and length of existence (from August through early December) over the past two decades.

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