What is pedigree analysis ??.??.??.

Dear student,

Pedigree Analysis:
  • Pedigree analysis is the analysis of inheritance of traits in several generations of a family.
  • A particular trait under study is represented in a family tree.
  • By using pedigree analysis, inheritance of a specific trait, abnormality or disease, can be traced.
  • DNA is believed to be the carrier of genetic information, which passes unaltered from generation to generation. Mutations occasionally alter the genetic material and genetic diseases are believed to be associated with these alterations only.
  • Standard symbols in pedigree analysis are as follows:
  • Pedigree chart is represented as follows:

Chart (a) represents inheritance of an autosomal dominant trait as in muscular dystrophy.
Chart (b) represents inheritance of an autosomal recessive trait as in sickle cell anaemia.


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It is the interpretation of the Data that allow a better understanding of the transmission of the genes within the family.
DEE may be give u ,, a little answer 
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Yes 7760343567
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pedigree analysis is mainly a chart or a graph in which a flow of disease or blood group or any other, is shown in a family generation.
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