what is PEM? Mention its two forms. Bring out two differences between them.

PEM - ​protein energy malnutrition

Types include:

  • Kwashiorkor (protein malnutrition predominant)
  • Marasmus (deficiency in calorie intake)
  • Marasmic Kwashiorkor (marked protein deficiency and marked calorie insufficiency signs present, sometimes referred to as the most severe form of malnutrition)

The definition is 1 difference​

The symptoms of marasmus include:

  • weight loss
  • dehydration
  • chronic diarrhea
  • stomach shrinkage
  • The symptoms of kwashiorkor include:

  • edema, or puffy or swollen appearance due to fluid retention
  • bulging of the abdomen
  • an inability to grow or gain weight
  • -1
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