what is phisics?

Physics is a branch of science.

Etymological meaning: Comes from a Greek word meaning ‘nature’

Definition:- Physics is the branch of science which deals with nature and natural phenomena.

We will find all the examples of our day, today life related to this branch of study.

Branches of Physics

  • Mechanics

Concerned with the motion of particles, rigid and deformable bodies, and general systems of particles

  • Electrodynamics

Deals with electric and magnetic phenomena associated with charged and magnetic bodies

  • Optics

Deals with the phenomena involving light

  • Thermodynamics

Deals with systems in macroscopic equilibrium, and is concerned with changes in internal energy, temperature, entropy, etc., of the system through external work and transfer of heat.

Physics and technology are related to each other. Both have a direct impact on society.

Technology is the application of the principles of physics for practical purposes.

For example: developments of radio, television, satellites.

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physics deals with the study of compositon and its energy

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Physics means "knowledge of nature" from phusis"nature science that involves the study of matter is called as physics
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Physics is a fundamental science of the natural world .It is a branch of science which deals with the study of matter and laws.
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Physics is a branch of scince that deals with physical law
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