what is population growth?explain two ways by which we can express population change?

The following points may help you:

a. Population growth refers to any change in the population or inhabitants living in acountry during a specific period of time.
b. It can be determined in Absolute numbers which  refers to magnitude of increase in population at a given time. It is obtained by subtracting the earlier figure of population from the later. It is expressed in absolute terms and is referred as absolute increase.
c. In terms of rate of percentage which is 
 the Rate of increase in the population per year .It is studied in percent per annum and is expressed in percentage.
d. There are  three main processes that bring about population change:
e. Birth Rate- It is the number of live births per thousand persons in a year.
f. Death- Rate- It is the number of deaths per thousand persons in a year.
g. Migration- It refers to the movement of people from one place to another. Internal migration happens within the country while international migration happens between countries.
 h. It is the combination of these three processes leads to fluctuations in population size and its growth rate.

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Population growth refers to the change in number of inhabitants of a country/ terrtiotary during a specific period of time, say during the last ten years.Population change can be expressed in two ways- 1. In absolute growth rates-The absolute numbers are added each year or decade and shows the magnitude of increase. It is obtained by simply subtracting the earlier population from the later population.2. Annual Growth Rate- The rate or pace of the population increase is another important aspect. It is studied in percent per annum, eg, a rate of increase of 2 percent per annum means that in a given year, there was an increase of two persons for every 100 persons in the population in the base population. This is referred to as the annual growth rate.
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