What is precipitation?

Dear Student,

Precipitation can be understood in two references:

  1. When air becomes saturated with water vapour, then water condenses from gaseous state, to liquid state, and falls down to Earth in the form of drizzle, rain, hail, snow (water solidifies to ice), the process is known as precipitation.
  2. When during a chemical reaction, a solid product is formed in the solution, which can be separated from the solution by filtration, then the solid product is known as precipitate and the process is known as precipitation.

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Precipitation?is rain, snow, sleet, or hail ? any kind of weather condition where something's falling from the sky.?Precipitation?has to do with things falling down, and not just from the sky. It's also what happens in chemical reactions when a solid settles to the bottom of a solution.
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Precipitation?is rain, snow, sleet, or hail any kind of weather condition where something's falling from the sky.?Precipitation?has to do with things falling down, and not just from the sky. It's also what happens in chemical reactions when a solid settles to the bottom of a solution.
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