What is prefix?


Here is the answer:

Prefix is a letter or group of letters that are attached at the beginning of a word. 

For example: ex-soldier, co-worker


  • -3
Hello Friend!!! : )
Here Is The Answer:

Prefix is a group of letters placed before a word in order to form a new word with a different meaning.
For example,
1. de + motivate = demotivate
2. dis + agree = disagree
3. en + courage = encourage

Hope It Helps You!!!
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Up Sargah
  • -1
[ The sanskrit name of prefix ]
  • -1
prefix is added to the front of a word to change its meaning.
  • -1
Prefix are placed before a word in hindi we can say them upsarg.
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adding a couple words before a word to form it's opposite
  • 2
A letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word is called prefix.
Ex-en is added to joy and the word becomes enjoy.Here en is prefix
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Prefix is a group of letters placed before a word in order to form a new word with a different meaning.
For example,
1. de + motivate = demotivate
2. dis + agree = disagree
3. en + courage = encourage

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Adding a couple of words to form a meaning of it??
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A letter or group of letters that you put at the beginning of a word to change its meaning .is called prefix.
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A letter or group of letters that you put at the beginning of a word to change its meaning is called prefix.
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Hello Friend!!! : )
Here Is The Answer:

Prefix is a group of?letters placed before a word in order to form a new word with a different meaning.
For example,
1. de + motivate = demotivate
2. dis + agree = disagree
3. en + courage = encourage

Hope It Helps
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