what is prejudice and discrimination? disteingwish between the two?

Prejudice implies having a negative image about somebody and treating it to be inferior. It denotes a preconceived idea about anything or anybody that is not based on knowledge, reason or thought. We may have biased views about any race, religion,sex, culture or language. For example, a person may hold a prejudiced view towards gender, regarding a particular work as best suited for women.

Discrimination denotes action or attitude towards a group or an individual based on those prejudices.For example, in a conservative society women are not allowed to work.

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When we judge someone or have an idea about them before we actually know anything about them,it is called prejudice.It is an unfair reaction to something or someone,a kind of reaction which is not based on any reason.

Eg: Discrimination of the blacks by the whites.

Discrimination is unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice/ caste, religion, gender, etc. It arises when people act according to their stereotypes and prejudices. Stereotypes are a fixed general image of a person, group or thing.

Eg (for discrimination)- Untouchables / Dalits are not alowed to go to schools, temples, not allowed to draw water from the village well, etc.

Eg (for stereotypes)- Girls are weak and innocent, boys are strong and bad, etc.

Hope u got it!!!

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