What is protandry and protogyny?

Both protandry and protogyny are the strategies evolved by flowers to prevent self pollination.
 Protogyny is the phenomenon in which gynoecium matures earlier than androecium to prevent self pollination.
 Protandry is the phenomenon in which androecium matures and shed pollen before maluration of gynoecium to prevent self pollination.

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this is a phenomenon takes place in a bisexual / monoecious / hermaphrodite organisms (plant / animal) to avoid self-fertilisation / autogamy .In this phenomenon either male or female reproductive organ develope earlier then the other .When its the female reproductive organ that develope first the condition is protogyny whenever its the male reproductive organ which develope first then it is said to be protandry.

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when pollen grains are released before stigma becomes receptive it is called as protandry

when stigma becomes receptive much before than the release of pollen grains it is called as protogyny thanks.

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