What is replacement set in linear inequation.

For a given inequation, the set from which the values of the variable are replaced is called domain of the variable or the replacement set

For example;

 Consider an inequation x < 4. Let the replacement be the set of whole numbers (W). 


We know that W = {0, 1, 2, 3, ...}. We replace x by some values of W. Some values of x from W satisfy the inequation and some don’t. Here, the values 0, 1, 2, 3 satisfy the given inequation x < 4 while the other values don’t. 

Thus, the set of all those values of variables which satisfy the given inequation is called the solution set of the given inequation. 

  • 1
i) x
(ii) x > 4

(iii) 5x ≥ 7

(iv) 3x - 2 ≤ 4

Thus, each of the above statements is an inequation.

Linear Inequations:

An inequation which involves only one variable whose highest power one is known as a linear inequation in that variable.

Linear inequation looks exactly like a linear equation with inequality sign replacing the equality sign.

The statements of any of the forms ax + b > 0, ax + b ≥ 0, ax + b
For example;

(i) 2x + 1 > 0,
(ii) 5x ≤ 0,
(iii) 5 - 4x (iv) 9x ≥ 0

Thus, each of the above statement is linear inequation in variable x.
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