what is rock cycle?

The process in which rocks change from type to another due to earth's heat and pressure. Like first te igneous rocks form from lava and then they break in sediments and become sedimentary rocks. The same why by heat , pressure of the earth metamorphic rocks became.


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The rock cycle is the fundamental concept in geology that describes the dynamic transitions through geologic time among three main rocks:-

i) Sedimentary Rock

ii) Metamorphic Rock

iii) Igneous Rock

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Like most Earth materials, rocks are created and destroyed in cycles. The rock cycle is a model that describes the formation, breakdown, and reformation of a rock as a result of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic processes.




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hope it helpz

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The process in which rocks change from type to another due to earth 's heat and pressure. Like first te igneous rocks form from lava and then they break in sediments and become sedimentary rocks. The same why by heat , pressure of the eThe rock cycle is the fundamental concept in geology that describes the dynamic transitions through geologic time among three main rocks:-

i) Sedimentary Rock

ii) Metamorphic Rock

iii) Igneous Rockarth metamorphic rocks 

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