What is science ? How does it work

Dear Student

Science is a systematic way of acquiring knowledge about the surroundings by careful observations and experimentations over a period of time.

Humans have always been curious about the world and happenings around them. the human mind observes, inquires, questions, reasons out to try to understand the world. The knowledge gained by the observations and experiments, when organized systematically, is known as Science. The scientific knowledge is constructed by:

  • Observation
  • Hypothesizes
  • Experimentation
  • Reasoning
  • Inference
  • Conclusion
  • Interlinks more than one conclusion - Concept
  • Interlinked concepts form a law
  • Laws combine to form a principle
  • The principles then explain the hypothesis.
  • If the Hypothesis is explained correctly by the principle, it becomes a theory
  • Otherwise the cycle starts again.
It works on observations and experiments.


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