What is sentence?

what do u mean alina roy
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A group of words is called a sentence.
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Group of words which makes complete sense is called a sentence and you don't know this Alina Roy !!!!!!
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a set of words that is complete in itself, typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses.
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In non-functional linguistics, a sentence is a textual unit consisting of one or more words that are grammatically linked. In functional linguistics, a sentence is a unit of written texts delimited by graphological features such as upper case letters and markers such as periods, question marks, and exclamation marks.
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A sentence is a group of words set together to form a meaningful statement.
Alina Roy is an intelligent girl.
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A sentence is formed using the punctuation marks in order where required. A sentence consists of commas, question marks, full stops etc.

E.G- Rahul is a handsome boy. He is the best student in our class,he never gets less marks.

An improper and an incomplete sentence is a clause. It doesn't consist of any punctuation marks.

E.G- in a home a butterfly

Why Punctuation marks are used?

They are used to form a proper sentence.

Some examples of Punctuation Marks -

Full stop '.' - Indicates the end of a sentence.
Comma ',' - To seperate words in a sentence.
Colon ':' - To introduce a list.
Semicolon ';'- To join independent clauses.
Question Mark '?' - To indicate an interrogative sentence or word, Asking questions.
Hyphen '-' - Join words together to show that they have same meanings.
Exclamation Mark '!' - To show that the subject is surprised.
Apostrophe ' - To show a letter or a number has been left out.
Slash '/' - To seperate letters,numbers and words.
Quotation Mark ' " ' - To show someone is saying something.
Round Brackets - '( )' To add extra information in a sentence.

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Groups of word which make a complete sense is called sentene .This you dont know alina
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Groups of word is called sentence.
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Group of word which make a sense is called sentences
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A group of word is called a sentence
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A Collection of words in a sensible manner called sentence.
Eg.- Alina is eating food
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A sentence is formed using the punctuation marks in order where required. A sentence consists of commas, question marks, full stops etc.?

E.G- Rahul is a handsome boy. He is the best student in our class,he never gets less marks.?

An improper and an incomplete sentence is a phrase. It doesn't consist of any punctuation marks.?

E.G- in a home a butterfly?

Why Punctuation marks are used??

They are used to form a proper sentence.?

Some examples of Punctuation Marks -?

Full stop '.' - Indicates the end of a sentence.?
Comma ',' - To seperate words in a sentence.?
Colon ':' - To introduce a list.?
Semicolon ';'- To join independent clauses.?
Question Mark '?' - To indicate an interrogative sentence or word, Asking questions.?
Hyphen '-' - Join words together to show that they have same meanings.?
Exclamation Mark '!' - To show that the subject is surprised.?
Apostrophe ' - To show a letter or a number has been left out.?
Slash '/' - To seperate letters,numbers and words.?
Quotation Mark ' " ' - To show someone is saying something.?
Round Brackets - '( )' To add extra information in a sentence.?

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A collection of words in a sensible manner or a group of words that are meaning full.
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A sentence is one which ends with a fulstop.
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A sentence is one whoch ends with a fulstop.
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A sentence is a group of words that make a complete sense.
for example - I am playing in the garden.
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the sentence is when the phrase are added
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arrey she was just doing timepass
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a group of words that ends with a punctuation.
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a sentence is a phrase joined with a another phrase.
it also contains a subject and a predicate
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Group of words is called sentence
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Group of  words are known as sentence.
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The collection of word in a sensible manner or a group of word that is meaningful
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sentences also have puctuation marks and the are meaningful and also make sense
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a group of words that make a complete sence  is called sentense
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