what is socialism mention its features

Dear student, The following points may help you : - 1) Socialism refers to the way of organizing a society in such a way that major industries are owned and controlled by the government. 2) It is a system of society where private intereference is not there and there is no private property and it aims at providing equality to every individual. 3) Socialism spreaded in Russia because according to the socialist peasants were the natural socialist and Socialist were against the private property as this kind of ownership focus on gains of owner rather than focusing on workers. 4) Socialist want the full development and social welfare of the country and want each and everyone to be capable of having means of livelihood.If property will be collectively owned then focus will shift on common problems of all. 5) Socialist want to distribute the profits equally in all the factors of production and wanted the lessen the gap between rich and poor so as to bring balance in the society. In this way socialism spreaded in Russia after Russian revolution. Regards

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