what is sporic mitosis?

explain hte process of nicking and re-annealing.

1Sporic meiosis occurs during sporogenesis or diplobiontic life cycle. In this life cycle, the diploid cells undergo meiosis producing haploid spores. These spores do not unite with others but divide by mitosis to form haploid individuals called gametophytes. The gametophytes form the gametes. Gametic fusion result in the diploid sporophyte.
2 A nicking enzyme also called as nicking endonuclease, cuts one strand of a double-stranded DNA at the restriction site. These enzymes cut only one strand of the DNA duplex, to produce DNA molecules that are nicked. The nicked DNA will not have phosphodiaster bond between adjacent nucleotides of one strand.
Re annealing is a process in which two single strands of DNA are combined or joined to form the double stranded DNA.

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