What is stars?

stars are hot and luminous bodies in the universe.Stars emit heat and light ,basically they are huge fire balls.They are mainly composed of hydrogen and helium gases
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When you look at the night sky you can see many beautiful stars. If you are out in the country or camping in the mountains or the desert away from the city lights, you may see thousands of them. You may even be able to see part of the Milky Way. In a town or city, you can't see nearly as many stars because the city lights create a glow in the sky masking many of them. 

There are several different kinds of stars in the sky. Some are very big. A couple of stars have been found that are 100 to 200 times larger than the sun.  Some very old stars are smaller than the Earth.  Scientists study stars and place them in groups based on how they are alike and how they are different.
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stars are the small burning balls which are seen in the dark sky.They are burning hot.Even the sun is a star but it is huge.
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stars are the huge ball of gases having their own light present in universe
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The stars are huge ball of gases that has there own light.
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Hot masses of fire in the solar system
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stars are are hot and giant ball of gasses ,mainly hydrogen and helium,which emit their own heat and light by nuclear fusion of hydrogen
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Star is heavenly body that at some time in its life generates light and heat by nuclear reactios. Stars consist of mainly of hydrogen and helium gases. Hydrogen atoms combine to form helium atoms and a large amount of energy in the form of heat and light is released during this process.
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