What is syllables? Please! answer me in details and with examples.

A syllable is the smallest part of a spoken word, smaller than which it is impossible to pronounce. 

1 syllable : cloth, day
2 syllables : wa-ter, der-by
3 syllables : mi-nis-ter, che-mi-cal
4 syllables : ex-pec-ta-tion
​5 syllables : ex-am-i-na-tion

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A syllable is a single unit of written or spoken word, an unbroken sound used to make up words.

Examples of Syllables

 One syllable words 

Cat, dog, car, sky.

 Two syllables words 

Ho-tel, Po-em, Chor-us.

 Three syllables words 

Beau-ti-ful, met-a-phor, po-e-try.

 More than three syllables words:

Syllables are used in poetry to give rhythm and depth to sentences.

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