Chemical Reactions and Equations (Activity Based Questions & Answers) : Chapter 1 | Study Dost
What is the chemical equation for this activity and give the conclusion also . 

Dear Student, 

When we add dilute Hydrochloric acid or sulphuric acid to the conical flask that has Zinc granules, a reaction occurs due to which there is formation of Hydrogen gas around Zinc granules which are observed like bubbles. Also when you touch the flask, it's heated that means the reaction is exothermic and thus temperature rises. The reaction is given below :
This concludes that a chemical reaction takes place which increases the temperature and also changes chemical properties of components involved. 


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Dear student,

When zinc granules are added to sulphuric acid , there occurs a change in the state of zinc granules and they are converted to zinc sulphate (ZnSO4) and hydrogen gas is evolved.

Zn + H2SO4  -> ZnSO4 +  H2

This reaction is exothermic, i.e. it involves release of heat and so the flask becomes hot and temperature of the system increases.


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Tmlog abhi tk kitne chapter khtm kr liye science aur math me
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@Md.Rashid.Reza I don't understand hindi . 
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So then I am speaking in English only.
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Means that how many chapters you have completed so far in science and maths
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