what is the chronology of events in the chapter Evans Tries an O-level ?

The chronology of events is as under:

  • Evans requests to take the German O-level examination.
  • He is trained under a German tutor for 6 months.
  • On the day of the exam, Jackson and Stephens take away potentially hazardous things from Evans.
  • Evans insists on keeping the hat.
  • Evans cell was kept under supervision so that the governor could himself listen to eery conversation going on there.
  • Exam went on smoothly. Stephens escorted the invigilator to the main gate and then checked Evans' cell. To his surprise, he saw the invigilator wounded there. Evans was taken to the hospital and he ran away from there.
  • When the invigilator was not found in the hospital, they went to McLeery's place and found him gagged in his study in Broad Street. He had been there since 8.15 a.m. 
  • Evans escapes the prison but the governor catches him again and captures him. Evans surrenders.
  • The prison officer who is a friend of Evans releases him and ask the driver to move fast. Evans asks him to turn towards Newbury.

This is how Evans planned his escape from prison.

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