what is the difference between biotic and abiotic components of the environment? Explain with examples.[tabular form only]

Abitoic componentsBiotic components
They are the non-living components of any habitat.They are the living components of a habitat.
Examples include light, water, air, temperature, inorganic nutrients, etcExamples include plants, animals, etc.

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Abiotic components are non living organisms in an ecosystem that are not able to move, breathe or perform metabolism. Aspects such as soil, sun, temperature, water fall under this category. Abiotic components aid the evolution cycle, thereby performing its part in the sustaining of the ecosystems.

Biotic stands for living things which can move, reproduce, grow and produce energy. Plants and animals fall under this category. In a grassland ecosystem, biotic components are categorized as producers, consumers, and decomposers. Grasses, trees, lichens, cyanobacteria and etc can be named as the produces that capture the solar energy, use the nutrients available in order to produce energy in that particular environment


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the living organisms in our surroundings like plants and animals form the biotic components of a habitat.

the nonliving organisms in our surroundings in our surroundings like rocks , soil etc.form the abiotic components of a habitat.sunlight and heat also form abiotic components of a habitat

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