What is the difference between emphasising and reflexive pronoun's???
Plz explain me in simple words and examples...

Dear Student, 

Reflexive pronouns are used to indicate that the subject itself is the receiver of the action. 
Eg: He hit himself. 
( The subject 'he' is the receiver of the action.)
Emphatic pronouns are used for emphasising who is the doer of the action.
Eg:- He himself did it.
(Here, the pronoun 'himself' simply emphasises that he has done it.)

One way of determining whether the pronoun used is reflexive or emphatic is by removing the pronoun from the sentence and checking whether it still makes sense or not. If it still makes sense, it is an emphatic pronoun.
Eg : In sentence 1 and 2, let us remove the pronoun himself.
1- He hit. ( Incomplete sentence) - Reflexive pronoun
2- He did it. ( The sentence still makes complete sense. ) - Emphatic pronoun.


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Dear Student, 

Emphasis means laying stress or showing the importance of something. 
Emphatic pronouns are used to emphasise the action of the subject. For instance,
1. He himself ordered the birthday cake.
2. I consulted the property dealer myself.
Kindly note that an emphatic pronoun can be removed from the sentence and the core meaning would not be affected. A reflexive pronoun, on the other hand, is vital. The sentence wouldn’t make complete sense or wouldn’t seem logical if you remove the reflexive pronoun.
We use a reflexive pronoun when we want to refer back to the subject of the sentence or clause. Reflexive pronouns end in “-self" (singular) or “-selves” (plural).
There are eight reflexive pronouns, namely myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves and themselves.
Few instances of the same are:
· He was ashamed of himself after his misconduct at school;
· Please help yourselves;
· Infants are unable to look after themselves; etc.
An emphatic pronoun can be removed from the sentence and the core meaning would not be affected. A reflexive pronoun, on the other hand, is vital. The sentence wouldn’t make complete sense or wouldn’t seem logical if you remove the reflexive pronoun.
He himself cut the cake. He cut the cake.
He cut himself. He cut …what?

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