what is the difference between fibrous and adventitious roots? Or is it like that they are same???

Fibrous roots grow from the main stem of the plant and does not have a primaryroot like the taproot. They grow downward and outward, with repeating branches to form a mass of small roots.Dicots and monocots are the two classes of flowering plants. The majority of taproot systems are composed of dicots and conifers.

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Fibrous root:

In some plants like monocotyledonous (corn and rice) the primary root is short lived and is replaced by a large number of fine roots of similar diameter. These roots originate from the base of the stem and constitute the fibrous root system.

Adventitious root:

Adventitious roots do not develop from another root.

In some plants, like GRASS, MONSTERA and BANYAN TREE, many roots arise from parts of the plant (from a stem, leaf or other plant parts) other than the radicle. These types of roots are called adventitious roots.

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Fibrous Root:
1.It originates from the base of the stem. The primary root is short lived and is replaced by large number of roots.
2.Examples : all monocot plants like maize, wheat and sugarcane.
Adventitious Root:
1.It develops from the parts of a plant other than radicle.
2.Examples are banyan tree, Bryophyllum and grass.
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Hope it is helpful
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