What is the difference between general and assembly elections? Please tell as soon as possible till tonight.

general elections are held where public has to vote for choosing their government leaders and assembly elections are where the members of legislative assembly(MLAs) vote to choose their senior leaders. 

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Thankyou so much Utkarsh, I would like to ask.. are there more points for the differences?
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General elections are held to elect our representatives to form the government while it is different than constituent assembly which is elected to make changes or re write the constitution.General elections are held to elect our representatives to form the government while it is different than constituent assembly which is elected to make changes or re write the constitution. Parliament is not equivalent to constituent assembly.Parliament may or may not represent every section of the society thats why to make new constitution ,a new assembly is created so that every sect,ethnic group,every region,languages,religions etc are given representation in the debate of issues in the constituent assembly.
Hope my answer was helpful to you .....

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