Herders refer to such people whose main occupation is the rearing of animals through a nomadic lifestyle. Herders tend herds of animals but they do not remain at a fixed location all the time. Instead, they migrate seasonally in search of pasture and water for their animals.

Farmers are such people whose main occupation is the growing of crops and the rearing of animals but who remain in a fixed location all the time.

Thus, both herders and farmers rear animals. The main difference is that herders keep migrating from one location to another while farmers remain fixed in one location.

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The study of herder-farmer relationships can be traced back as far as 1600 AD when white warriors, herders from the northern Sahel, continuously raided the black agricultural villages in the south. These acts of violence were due in large part to competition over the scarce natural resources of the Sahel.
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herders rear cattles whereas farmers grow plants
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