What is the difference between Oscillatory motion and periodic motion 

Dear student
periodic motion is a motion which repeats itself after after regular interval of time but the periodic motion may not beoscillatory.Oscillatory motion are to and fro motion about a particular point which is periodic .Every oscillatory motion is periodic but every periodic motion is not oscillatory.Regards

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a motion done by oscillator
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oscillatory motion  is a motion where an object moves to and fro in a semi circular path,in periodic motion the intervals are same where as in oscillatory motion the intervals are not same
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motion:- a body is said to be in motion, if it changes its position with respect to the stationary objects in its surrounding.
when  the WHOLE BODY moves in to- and - fro about its mean position, its movement or motion is called an oscillatory motion whereas the periodic motion is a motion that repeats itself after a regular interval of time. The heart beat of a normal person and the motion of the moon revolving around the Earth are some examples of periodic motion.

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